Gannet Developments Ltd has exciting proposals to regenerate the former Forth Valley College site on Middlefield Road.
We will use this website to update the community on our proposals for new homes and to seek your views before we submit a planning application.
Please scroll down for more information on our proposals.
Thank you to everyone who has given us feedback as part of this initial round of consultation. We are currently reviewing your comments and intend to consult further in Spring 2022.
You can still contact us vie email on enquiries@middlefieldroad.co.uk or call us on 0800 987 5990.


Falkirk Technical College opened on this site in 1963. Over the years it became Falkirk College of Technology and then Falkirk College of Further and Higher Education before finally being known as Forth Valley College, Falkirk.
Forth Valley College moved into new state of the art premises in January 2020 and the College put the Middlefield Road site up for sale. In the summer of 2020 demolition works commenced.
Two respected Scottish property companies: Dawn Developments and Forrest Developments have joined forces under the name of Gannet Developments to progress the building of new homes.
The site is located at the junction of the A904 Grangemouth Road and Middlefield Road in central Falkirk. It covers an area of just under 18 acres. The new Forth Valley college is located across the road.
Upgrade works to form a roundabout at the Middlefield Rd/Grangemouth Rd junction are progressing. The plan opposite shows the location of the the roundabout.


The Falkirk Local Development Plan 2 guides future development in the Council area. It indicates where development should or should not take place.
The site is included within the Falkirk Gateway Strategic Growth Area and Falkirk Investment Zone. It has been designated for Residential Use with a capacity for up to 200 new homes.
Falkirk is an increasingly attractive town with its central location and good transport connections. The residential property market is booming– a recent report by Zoopla estimated and average of 20 days for homes to be snapped up.
Local Estate Agents have confirmed a shortage of all types of new build homes with 3 bed semi –detached being the most in demand.


We intend to submit a planning application for up to 200 new homes – 15% of which would be classed as affordable homes. This will help to meet the demand for new homes in Falkirk.
It is proposed that greenspace, footpath and cycle connections will all create an attractive place In which to live as well as connecting the site into the surrounding community. It is intended that existing trees will be maintained and appropriate play facilities will be provided.
In addition, it is expected that provision will be made for a strategic east-west Helix to Town Centre green corridor and that a landscape buffer would be provided around the boundary shared with Victoria Primary school.
Vehicular access would come off of Middlefield Road. A new roundabout is planned for the junction of Middlefield Rd and Grangemouth Rd.

The initial round of consultation closed on Friday 25th February. We are currently reviewing your feedback and intend to undertake further consultation in spring 2022.
If you have a question that isn’t covered in THE PROPOSALS section, or below, please contact us.
Gannet Developments Ltd is a joint venture partnership between Dawn Developments and Forrest Developments – two of Scotland’s leading property companies.
We agreed to buy the site from Forth valley College in 2021.
The site is included within the Falkirk Gateway Strategic Growth Area and Falkirk Investment Zone. It has been designated for Residential Use with a capacity for up to 200 new homes.
Falkirk Council has an obligation to ensure enough new homes are built and this site is part of the overall target.
The aim is to provide a mixture of detached, semi detached and terraced homes and apartments ranging from 1-4 bedrooms. However, a key part of our consultation is to find out from the local community what type of housing is needed locally.
15% of the new homes will be affordable. We’ll work with a housing association to deliver these.
The final proposals will include greenspace, footpath and cycle connections will all create an attractive place in which to live as well as connecting the site into the surrounding community.
In addition, it is expected that provision will be made for a strategic east-west Helix to Town Centre green corridor and that a landscape buffer would be provided around the boundary shared with Victoria Primary school.
Vehicular access would come off of Middlefield Road. A new roundabout is planned for the junction of Middlefield Rd and Grangemouth Rd.
Yes in line with Council Policy, 15% will be provided within the new development.
Vehicular access is off Middlefield Rd.
Our consultation began on 31st January 2022 and will run over the next few months.
On 1st February, we held on online consultation event to comply with Covid guidance.
In addition we have
- leafleted 1,800 local residents and businesses
- displayed posters locally
- placed an advert in the Falkirk Herald
- set up this project website
- emailed the local Community Council, Councillors and politicians and local groups
We would like to submit an application later in 2022.
This is dependent on when all the necessary statutory consents. It is anticipated that the earliest site start would be 2023.
The development should take around two years.
Both Dawn and Forrest are responsible developers, and pride ourselves on being good neighbours. A Construction Management Plan will be completed for approval by the Council which will ensure best construction practices are adhered to so disruption is minimised through the construction process.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or if you would like to register for updates on the proposals by emailing enquiries@middlefieldroad.co.uk or by calling 0800 987 5990.
14th March 2022
Plans are progressing to lodge a planning application for new homes of the former Forth Valley College site at Middlefield Road in Falkirk.
The company behind the proposals is consulting with the local community and businesses.
The development represents a significant investment in new homes and we are interested in understanding local views on the type of new housing we should be considering.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to provide feedback on our initial proposals. We’ve received a good response and are currently reviewing your comments.
We are planning to build a mixture of detached, semi detached and terraced homes and apartments ranging from 1-4 bedrooms. However, a key part of our consultation was to find out from the community what type of housing is needed locally. 15% of the new homes will be affordable and we’ll work with a housing association to deliver these.
The final proposals will include greenspace, footpath and cycle connections will all create an attractive place in which to live as well as connecting the site into the surrounding community.
Although the deadline for initial comments was 25th February 2022, you can contact us at any time via enquiries@middlefieldroad.co.uk
We’ll publicise the next round of consultation soon when we’ll be able to show you updated plans.
Gannet Developments Ltd is a joint venture partnership between Dawn Developments and Forrest Developments – two of Scotland’s leading property companies.
Website by Designworks ©2021